2011年3月6日 星期日

Fuckin' Perfect

最近迷上P!nk(粉紅佳人)的歌聲,發現這個美國大姊的歌非常特別;尤其我自己覺得歌詞的%(趴數)真的比較高檔一點,跟大多數談情說愛的歌完全是不同的調調。今天特別還Youtube到一段「Fuckin' Perfect」的MV,真的是看到快要掉眼淚...

Don't you ever ever feel like you're less than fuckin' perfect
像這種時候,接受鼓勵 & 轉換想法真的非常重要!!

一帆風順的人生不有趣,挫折才是成長的關鍵!! 雖然我也很懷疑,但是也許正是會對這種說法感到懷疑的人才是真正在驗證這句話!; 共勉之

PS. Fuckin' Perfect 是一部極具爭議性的得獎MV,內容算輔導級以上了吧。不過非常震撼人心!


Made a wrong turn, once or twice

Dug my way out, blood and fire

Bad decisions, that's alright
那些錯誤的決定 已無所謂

Welcome to my silly life

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
被羞辱 欺騙 誤解 如影隨形

Miss 'No way, it's all good', it didn't slow me down
失去關懷的問候 但這並不減緩我向前的步伐

Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated
遭受誤解 反反覆覆的猜忌 輕蔑 伴隨著我

Look, I'm still around
看 我依然活的很好

Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel
like you're less than fuckin' perfect

親愛的 你是否也曾覺得

Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel like you're nothing
親愛的 雖然你可能覺得自己一文不值

You're fuckin' perfect to me!

You're so mean, when you talk about yourself, you were wrong
你很過分 你不該如此妄自菲薄地說自己一無是處

Change the voices in your head, make them like you instead
請改變你的想法 不用一味追隨別人 反而要讓大家像你一樣

So complicated, look happy, you'll make it!
如此的複雜 但希望你依然要樂觀堅強 因為我相信你會做到!

Filled with so much hatred...such a tired game
如此無聊的遊戲 充斥著過多的憎恨

It's enough! I've done all I can think of
夠了! 我用了所有我能想到的辦法

Chased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same
我擊敗了我內心中的惡魔 卻看到你仍在掙扎

Oh, pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel
like you're less than fuckin' perfect
噢 親愛的 你是否也曾覺得

Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel like you're nothing
親愛的 雖然你可能覺得自己一文不值

You're fuckin' perfect to me

The whole world's scared so I swallow the fear

The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer

So cool in line, and we try try try,
but we try too hard and it's a waste of my time
就讓我們並肩作戰 讓我們努力嘗試
但不管多麼努力 到最後都徒勞無功

Don't looking for the critics, cause they're everywhere
不必在意非議 因為這世界充滿了非議

They don't like my jeans, they don't get my hair
他們不喜歡我的牛仔褲 不喜歡我的髮型

Exchange ourselves, and we do it all the time
所以我們總是在改變自己 迎合他人的想法

Why do we do that? Why do I do that?
但我們為什麼要這樣? 我為什麼要這樣?
Why do I do that..?

Yeah, oh, oh baby, pretty baby..!
噢 親愛的 親愛的寶貝啊..!

Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel
like you're less than fuckin' perfect
親愛的 你是否也曾覺得

Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel like you're nothing
親愛的 雖然你可能覺得自己一文不值

You're fuckin' perfect to me

You're perfect, you're perfect!
你真是他媽的完美 真他媽的完美啊!
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel
like you're less than fuckin' perfect
親愛的 你是否也曾覺得

Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel like you're nothing
親愛的 雖然你可能覺得自己一文不值

You are perfect to me...

2 則留言:

Rays 提到...


尤其心情不好时。。。 XD

Rays 提到...
